Thursday 26 May 2016

My finished ident!

This is my finished ident!!!

TV Idents Production Process

I used the water fall Particle Emitters to start of making my Ident. the waterfall was small and i had to make it bigger by using its life force  to reach a certain amount of life that would suit the ident.

I then used the Camp Fire Particle Emitters and did the same with its life force. this lets grow to a certain point so then it collides with the waterfall. the Camp Fire had to be rotated 90 degrees clockwise  to make it go in a certain direction.

i then had them both fade in from a small size and then they both grew and became bigger going in the direction of each other. i had to have them do it at the same time to make it look realistic.

at this point i had both elements go against each other to make it look like they are trying to cancel the other element out. i made them come in the middle. 

Then i added the Big Blast from the Particle Emitters list and placed it in the middle to show that the elements did that. after that the waterfall and camp fire fade out. then the Big Blast faded out straight after.

I then added the impulse in  shape of a circle from the different choices that were in the Particle Emitters. I then edited to change colour every couple of seconds.

I then edited the word Boom by putting a 'inflate in' and had that edited to suit the ident. we also edited the speed by increasing it.

I then added an explosion to show effect in the explosion that happens with the Big Blast. I also put music in the ident to give it an exciting feeling.

I got some feedback from my peers and they said that they liked the different colours I used, they said that they liked my idea and how I animated. However they said that maybe it could be a little longer.

I was inspired by the fight scents  that i see in anime and the different elements that clash together.